Friday Field Notes: 1/24/2025
Happy Friday, folks.
This little Friday newsletter is fun to write. I get to comb back through my lessons learned this week and decide what should get added here.
It’s become a forcing function for going over notes and reapplying things that I captured, but was too busy to deploy in my life.
It’s an exercise I recommend everyone should do. Just create a simple database in notion, or use a Google Sheet, and capture everything you learn there.
It could be from a book, a video, a conversation…anything.
We waste a lot of opportunities, taking in content, but never capturing the greater learning we want to use.
Don’t waste them. Capture them.
Lessons Learned This Week:
1. Life is full of trades. Trade for more energy.
In most things, if we have more energy, we show up better and deliver better work.
In Brendon Burchard’s book High Performance Habits, “Generate Energy” is habit number 2.
High performers are constantly finding ways to create energy. That means avoiding energy vampires and doing more things that excite you.
2. The limits of your language are the limits of your world.
There’s an aboriginal tribe that speaks in cardinal directions. So it’s not your right or left arm. It’s your east and west arms. And if you turn 90 degrees, they become your north and south arms.
Because of this, when in buildings, they always know what direction is which. They’ve tapped into a level of awareness because their language demands it.
We have the same abilities within us. By increasing our vocabulary, we can express ourselves differently.
By changing how we talk about things, we can actually change how we feel.
Language is powerful and shouldn’t be ignored.
3. Your chimp is 5x stronger than you. Don't rely on willpower.
I just finished reading The Chimp Paradox by Dr. Steve Peters.
The overarching theme is that we have a chimp inside us that's acting the way we naturally might. But chimps are stronger than people. So rather than fight the chimp, we need to find other ways to solve problems.
I have a personal system I use: Self-control vs self-regulation.
Self-control relies on willpower. “I won't eat the cookie.”
Self-regulation says, “I know I'll eat the cookies, so let me remove them from the house.”
What Dr. Peter’s theory helps with is not relying on willpower when you can't remove the cookies.
Content I Enjoyed:
I really enjoyed this video stunt from Netflix for Slumberland.
I saw it via Michael Krivicka, the director of it. Give it a watch.
It’s a great example of how experiences can have a massive impact. Your agency may not do something like this, but you should always be thinking about the experience you create for your clients.
Quote That Slaps:
“The person who is the most certain, makes the most money.” - Anon
50% of sales is the transference of confidence and enthusiasm.
Few things make people more confident than certainty.
If you knew, without a doubt, your solution would help your client, how differently would you show up?
I imagine a lot of things would become easier. Worth thinking about.
Content Roll Up:
Have a great weekend!
Comment and share any of your learnings this week!